Poster Prizes at the University of Leeds

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Dr Andrew Pridmore with student at the University of Leeds

On 9th May 2024, our Head of Science, Andrew Pridmore, visited the University of Leeds to award prizes for the best final year research project poster presentations in the School of Molecular and Cellular Biology.

We have sponsored these prizes for many years and Andrew greatly enjoyed the opportunity to catch up on current research topics within the School. The research topics reflected current trends in microbiology and other biological disciplines, with some notable highlights being the potential of bacteria and viruses to cause “the next pandemic”, the use of artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis, approaches to tackling antibiotic resistance, development of novel antibacterial therapies and the use of bacteriophages to treat bacterial infections.

Prizes were awarded for posters that received the highest marks in each of two categories: practical (laboratory-based) research and literature review / science communication. The posters were produced by students undertaking various degree courses encompassing the fields of microbiology, biotechnology, cancer, cell biology and structural biology. All were of an excellent standard, but the assessors were eventually able to select the top 3 in each category, which were:

Practical (lab work) poster prizes:

1st      -    Teagwen Cameron (as pictured on the right)
Nanopore Identification of SNPs in Serially Passaged BUNV

2nd    -    Thomas Wright

3rd     -    Alice Richards

Dr Andrew Pridmore with student

Literature / science communication prizes:

1st      -    Thandar Khaing (as pictured on the right)
IRE1 Signalling Pathway - A Target Approach for Cancer Therapy

2nd    -    Katherine Tanner

3rd     -    Harriet Render

Dr Andrew Pridmore with student 2

We wish the best of luck to all final year undergraduates currently taking their examinations in readiness for graduation this summer. We look forward to continuing our relationship with the University of Leeds and keeping up to date with the high standard of research ongoing in the School.

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