There are many reasons to choose a Whitley Workstation when it comes to Anaerobic, Hypoxic or Microaerobic work, and we have plenty of satisfied customers who have expressed why using a Whitley Workstation improves their working methods and results.
Over the years, customers have supplied us with many testimonials about their Don Whitley Scientific products. From these we can see that not only have Whitley Workstations become approved by fantastic researchers worldwide, but we can also help promote the amazing work that is done by our customers.
Dr Vaibhao Janbandhu at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute (VCCR) in Sydney, Australia uses a Whitley H35 Hypoxystation in his work on finding new ways to stimulate heart regeneration during ageing and after heart attack. He uses his H35 Hypoxystation to isolate, culture and characterise adult cardiac stem cells. In Dr Janbandhu’s words the H35 is “an integral part of the project to advance the project aims”.
In this video testimonial, Dr Jane Freeman (pictured above) from Leeds General Infirmary explains how the Whitley A95 Workstation improves the working methods in her Clostridium difficile research. Dr Freeman reports that she and her team are able to use the workstation for “several hours at a time in relative comfort” and that the workstation is able to house all the technical equipment her team requires. This allows “the whole experiment to be performed in optimum conditions without introducing air at all”. Dr Freeman explains that “reliability, versatility and space are the significant benefits of the workstations in our work on Clostridium difficile“.
The Institute of Cancer Research in London is one of the world’s most influential research institutes, with an outstanding record of
achievement dating back more than 100 years. At the Institute, Dr George Poulogiannis uses a combination of Whitley i2 Instrument Workstation (with Seahorse XF Analyzer) and Whitley H35 Hypoxystation in his research into breast cancer. Hypoxia is a key factor in the “Hallmarks of Cancer” and this team are studying the role of hypoxia in cell invasion and metastasis, oncogene-induced senescence and resistance to current treatment options.
This combination of workstations is also used by Dr Ayse Latif, who is researching gynaecological cancers at The University of Manchester, and Dr Scott Allen from the Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN) whose research focuses on how hypoxia affects the metabolism of people with neurological disorders.
Take a look at our other testimonials here.