Still dispensing culture media by hand? Wouldn’t you rather be doing something else whilst those tubes/bottles are filling?
You can with POLYWEL 3D! This is a true walk-away automated solution for dispensing culture media into tubes and bottles. The system increases throughput by eliminating time-consuming, laborious tasks that could be creating a bottleneck in media production or tying up technicians for long periods of time.
The walk-away capability of POLYWEL 3D will free up your staff to perform other tasks while it reliably and accurately dispenses 1,000 tubes with 9ml in 60 minutes. There are a range of tubing sizes available to optimise speed and accuracy with 3D co-ordinates so the dispensing nozzle can accept different sized tubes and bottles. With full calibration at the start of any run and at user defined intervals, full traceability is available to satisfy quality system audits.
Racks are autoclavable, as is the tubing, therefore it is possible to fill tubes and bottles pre-sterilisation or fill aseptically from a media preparator or other sterile media vessel. The racks have been designed so that tubes can be inserted directly from the packaging, saving time unpacking and loading racks ready to fill.
Simple to use and easy to programme, POLYWEL 3D has a volume accuracy of +/- 0.1ml (>5ml) and is a truly versatile piece of equipment.
Call today to request more information, a demonstration, or a personalised quotation.
T: 01274 595728 E: