Hypoxystations now with superior cooling

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Hypoxystations now with superior cooling

An example of how quickly Don Whitley Scientific can react to customer needs came about recently due to a query from our Chinese distributor.

A Hypoxystation customer was experiencing problems with overnight humidity control in the workstation. They explained that most laboratories in China are air conditioned during the day but the air conditioning is usually switched off outside office hours. Customers were finding that because of this, the ambient temperature in the laboratory was rising to such a level that effective cooling of the condenser plate could not be maintained. Although this may not be an issue when working with human cells, this customer was using the H35 Hypoxystation for anaerobic organisms.

Our distributor, Hua Yue Enterprise Holdings, asked if there was anything that could be done to improve the cooling system so that switching off the air conditioning overnight had less of an effect on the internal atmosphere of the workstation.

We set to work on the challenge, acknowledging that this issue could apply to any laboratory in any country where air conditioning systems are used in laboratories – not something we usually have to worry about in the UK!

Our research and development team had already improved Whitley Anaerobic Workstations by fitting them with thermoelectric humidity control devices for cooling the condenser plate. This has proved to be a much more efficient method of cooling.

This improved control of humidity has been so successful, it seemed only sensible to fit this superior cooling device to all our H35 and H45 Hypoxystations, including the HEPA models.

This change came into effect at the beginning of July … the first unit being supplied to China, of course.

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