HEPA Filtration from Don Whitley Scientific

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HEPA Filtration from Don Whitley Scientific

For over forty years, Don Whitley Scientific have utilised experience and expertise to ensure products make working methods more straight forward for our laboratory customers. With more and more importance placed on clean air, HEPA filtration can provide an extra measure to ensure research carried out within Whitley Workstations is done so in an environment that achieves particulate concentrations exceeding the levels detailed in ISO 14644-1 Part 1, Table 1, (Class 3) Classification of Air Cleanliness.


Tests have been carried out by Don Whitley Scientific that show just how much of a difference a HEPA filtration system makes to the atmosphere of a Whitley Workstation. Don Whitley Scientific have been manufacturing products for over 40 years and the introduction of HEPA filtration was a logical step to make sure our customers have an option that falls in line with the latest laboratory trends and requirements.

The benefits of the Whitley HEPA filtration system are:

  • The Whitley system utilises an internal HEPA filter. The atmosphere is cleaned quickly and continuously because the entire internal atmospheric volume of every Whitley Workstation passes through the filter hundreds of times an hour.
  • The atmosphere passing through the filter creates a laminar flow-like effect covering around 94% of the width of the chamber.
  • The location of the Whitley HEPA filter inside the workstation ensures it cannot get wet. Therefore it cannot become saturated with moisture and rendered ineffective.

Don Whitley Scientific has worked with one of the world’s leading filter manufacturers to develop a filter specifically tailored to suit the requirements of anaerobic workstations. Adding HEPA filter technology to the workstation means creating an environment where microbiology samples and cellular cultures can grow free from the risk of contamination.

HEPA filtration was introduced as an option after decades of experience in microbiology. We are confident that our thorough approach to product development and product testing has resulted in a HEPA filtration system superior to any other systems fitted to positive pressure modified atmosphere workstations. The video below explains Whitley HEPA filtration in further detail.



Explore the Whitley HEPA Workstation range


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