Free Workstation Training from DWS

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Free Workstation Training from DWS

According to the British Medical Association, the NHS is experiencing some of the most severe pressures in its 75-year history. Two of those pressures are staff retention and recruitment. In the microbiology laboratory, where automation is often overlooked or underused, DWS might be able to help not only with the technology required but with the training to enable your lab equipment to be used to its best advantage. This not only provides updated skills for new members of staff but also maximises the efficiency of your laboratory.

It doesn’t help anyone if your staff cannot use your Whitley Workstation properly. DWS strives for all its customers to use their workstations to the best advantage, not only to help avoid mistakes and breakages but so that we can work with you in an ongoing, long-term relationship.

Benefits for the Laboratory

DWS provides comprehensive training for users when a cabinet is installed, however, we also know that staff turnover can be an issue in many laboratories, so want to reiterate that our training can be repeated at any time – without cost to you.

For instance, what if you have recruited a few new employees but the previous main user of the workstation has been assigned to other duties – in such a situation take advantage of an additional training session to ensure all new users get full, comprehensive training. It could be that you require a skills update for existing staff who haven’t used a Whitley Workstation before or for those who have transferred from a different department where the use of a workstation was not required.

You may feel that training takes up valuable time but better training leads to fewer mistakes and faster, more accurate results. Because we design and manufacture Whitley Workstations, we can train your staff how best to operate them. Also, when users know how to use their equipment properly, we find that it is treated more carefully by users and therefore there are fewer breakages and much less downtime. That means a saving in repair and maintenance costs.

Having had the proper training to enable staff to do their jobs more efficiently and effectively could be a way of de-stressing a task and help with staff retention. The knock-on effect of training is that people have the knowledge to carry out the tasks expected of them, allowing them to complete these tasks more efficiently, making staff happier in their careers.

Personal Benefit for the Scientist

Workstation operator training is a transferrable skill. Many hospitals around the world already have a Whitley Anaerobic or Microaerobic Workstation so you always have that experience to add to your portfolio, with a certificate from DWS.

The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded the problems our hospitals already face. Don’t add a lack of training to the list of issues you have to contend with. Contact your DWS sales representative and make sure your staff have one less thing to worry about.

Email:                                 Telephone: 01274 595728

Note: DWS cannot speak for all its overseas distributors on this matter. However, most of our partners do offer user training. To find your nearest distributor, please consult our website.

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If you are based in Germany or Australia, please select the website of our subsidiary company there. A different selection of products is available in these countries. Otherwise, please select ‘English’ and you will be able to find your local distributor in the ‘Overseas Distributors’ section.

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